
作成: 1998/10/21 小山 重郎

データ番号   :020084
目的      :チチュウカイミバエを不妊虫放飼法により根絶防除する
放射線の種別  :ガンマ線
放射線源    :60Co線源
線量(率)   :100Gy
利用施設名   :アメリカ農務省ハワイミバエ研究所照射施設、国際原子力機関(IAEA)ザイバースドルフ研究所照射施設、メキシコチチュウカイミバエ不妊虫生産工場照射施設など
照射条件    :空気中または低酸素圧下、室温
応用分野    :不妊虫放飼法、害虫防除

概要      :

詳細説明    :
 チチュウカイミバエCeratitis capitataは地中海沿岸地域の原産で、アフリカ、中南米、ハワイに分布し、多くの種類の果実を害するため世界的にその侵入が警戒されている害虫である。チチュウカイミバエが分布する国または地域からは、その寄主植物である果実を未分布地域に自由に輸出することができない。輸出を可能にするためには、果実を薬品や高温または低温で処理してミバエを殺虫するか、あるいはその地域のミバエを根絶しなければならない。
 不妊虫放飼法によるラセンウジバエの根絶がキュラソー島で成功したことによって(Baumhover et al.1995)、同じ方法によってチチュウカイミバエの根絶防除を行おうとする機運が高まった。アメリカ農務省ハワイミバエ研究所のSteinerらは、不妊虫放飼法の実現のために、ハワイ諸島に分布するチチュウカイミバエの不妊化線量を調べた結果、羽化直前の蛹に84-120Gyのガンマ線を照射するのが適当であることを明かにした(Steiner and Christenson1956,Steiner et al.1962)。
 そこで、まず1959年から1960年7月までハワイ島の標高1200-1800mにある31平方キロの試験地で、蛹期に100Gy照射して不妊化したチチュウカイミバエの成虫合計1870万頭を地上から放飼したところ、このハエの寄生果実内の幼虫数を約90%減少させることに成功し、不妊虫放飼法がチチュウカイミバエでも有効であることが明かになった(Steiner et al.1962、表1)。

表1 Infestation by area of Mediterranean fruit-fly larvae in different fruit after release of irradiated flies at Waikii,Hawaii. (原論文2より引用。 Reproduced from International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes,13:427-434(1962), Tab.1(p.431), Steiner,L.F.,Michell,W.C.and Baumhover,A.H., Progress of fruit-fly control by irradiation sterilization in Hawaii and the Marianas Islands; Copyright(1962), with permission from Elsevier Science.)
                               Jan.-April           May.-Aug.            Sept.-Oct.
                           Number of            Number of            Number of
Areas(s)*  Host fruit        larvae  Percentage   larvae  Percentage   larvae  Percentage
                           per pound   change   per pound   change   per pound   change
                           1959 1960            1959 1960            1959 1960
    1    Jerusalem cherry  1080  171    - 84    420    51    - 88    171   573     +235
    2    Jerusalem cherry   378    1    - 99    138     0    -100     -     -        -
    3    Jerusalem cherry   945  310    - 67    355   111    - 69    366   160     - 56
         Apple               -    -      -        0.5   0    -100      0.6   0     -100
         Apricot             -    -      -      218    17    - 92     -     -        -
         Peach               -    -      -      209    74    - 65    213   136     - 36
         Plum                -    -      -       32     2    - 94     -     -        -
         Walnut              -    -      -      174     5    - 97    144    68     - 53
    6    Jerusalem cherry   694   38    - 95    268    65    - 76    482   165     - 66
    7    Jerusalem cherry    12   34    +180     22     0    -100     38     0     -100
  11,19  Jerusalem cherry  1355   13    - 99    248    70    - 72    666   847     + 27
   12    Jerusalem cherry    -    -      -      356     0    -100     28    79     +182
   18    Jerusalem cherry    -    -      -      421     0    -100    657    76     - 88
   21    Jerusalem cherry   432   88    - 80    177     6    - 97    290     0     -100
* 91 per cent of the total Jerusalem cherry acreage was in the areas listed.Other treated
 areas not reported failed to produce fruit one or both seasons in the January to August 
period or were not infested either year.
 しかし、放飼を止めると試験地外から侵入した成虫の産卵によって幼虫数は再び増加したので、根絶防除を成功させるためには、隔離された環境が必要であることがわかった(Steiner et al.1962)。 その後、不妊虫放飼法によるチチュウカイミバエの根絶の研究は、アメリカ農務省ハワイミバエ研究所と国際原子力機関ザイバースドルフ研究所を中心に続けられ、その研究成果にたって国際食糧農業機関と国際原子力機関の支援のもとに世界的に根絶事業が展開された(Klassen et al.1994、表2)。

表2 Chronology of Field Trials and Operatinal Programs Involving Use of the Sterile Insect Technique Against Tropiacal Fruit Flies(原論文3より引用)
    Location                            Description and Results
                                        Mediterranean Fruit Fly,
                                           Ceratitis capitata
--------------------   ----------------------------------------------------------------
Island of Hawaii        Suppression;31 sq.mile test area;not isolated;1959-19606
Costa Rica              Suppression in 1963 on Puntarenas peninsula by Govt.of 
                        Costa Rica,OIRSA,Inter-Amer.Inst.Agri.Sciences and 
                        Joint FAO/IAEA Division.18
Concordia,Argentina     Releases in 1966 in 30 ha.citrus orchard;no medflies 
                        detected for 3 years.19
Concordia,Argentina     Releases in 1968-1969 in 2,700 ha. citrus; excellent 
Northwest Argentina     Releases in 1973 in 60 ha. citrus orchard.19-21
Westem Argentina        During the 1980s rearing facilities were constructed in San 
                        Juan and Mendoza Provinces. In 1991 a national program 
                        was organized to create fly-free zones.22-24
Capri Island, Italy     Suppression in 1967;sterile flies provided to Italian 
                        Government by Israel and Seibersdorf Lab.;technical 
                        backstopping by Joint FAO/IAEA Division.25
Chile                   Infestations first discovered in 1964. Since 1966 infestations 
                        have been eradicated. Fly-free zone established in 1980 to 
                        permit exports to USA. Use of sterile flies began in 1983 
                        provided by Mexico and Peru.26-32
Cyprus                  Releases made in 1971 in small peach orchard;some 
                        suppression achieved.33
Procida Island,Italy    Tests in 1972-1975;3.7 sq.km and 2.7 km from mainland; 
                        excellent suppression in commercial orchards,etc.34-36
Tenerife Island, Spain  Tests in 1965 through 1968;at first little effect;good 
                        control in 1968 with increased release rate.37-38
Alhama de Murcia,       Excellent control in 1969 in citrus and stone fruit orchards. 
Spain                   Some sterile flies from IAEA Seibersdorf Laboratory.38,39
Greneda,Spain           In 1972 excellent protection of peaches in isolated 
Caruzo,Nicaragua        In 1967 unsuccessful attempt to eradicate from 120 sq.km. 
                        Further tests in 1968-1969;90 percent control on 48 sq.km 
                        of citrus and coffee.41-43
Tacna and Mosquegua,    Tests in 1969-1972;variable results from year to year. Field 
Peru                    program in 1986 and 1987. Production resumed in 1988.44-47
Proto-Farina,Tunisia    Tests in 1970,1971,and 1972;600 ha. of loquat, apricot, 
                        peach & fig; good suppression.48
Southern coastal area   Tests in 1972 and 1973;good suppression;Citrus Marketing
of Israel               Board,UNDP,IAEA project.49
Lanai Island,Hawaii     Tests in 1973,1974 & 1975;381 sq.km;excellent 
                        suppression in spite of some invasion from Maui Island (13-
                        16 km distant).50,51
Los Angeles,            Operational program,1975-1976;introduced infestation 
California              eradicated.14,15
Santa Clara Valley,     In 1980 and 1982,operational program cost more than US 
California              $100 million;introduced infestation eradicated. Use of SIT 
                        was interrupted.15,52,53
Southern Mexico         Operational program began in 1979;eradicated from 15,000 
                        sq.km.in 1982;maintained barrier to reinvasion from 
                        Guatemala from 1982 to present.54-57
Guatemala               Operational program began in 1984;eradication in zone 
                        bordering on Mexico and northern half of Guatemala; 
                        suppression elsewhere.54,58
Carnarvon,western       Began in 1980;eradication achieved in 1984;subsequent 
Australia               reinvasions eradicated. Reinfested in 1991.59-61
Egypt                   Between 1982 and 1986 work fundamental to eradication of 
                        the medfly from Egypt was carried out. Project was 
                        terminated before mass rearing facility could be 
Kauai Island,Hawaii,    Releases of sterile males in coffee plantations began in 
U.S.A.                  1991;continuing.63
Southern Florida,       Infestation eradicated in 1985 with sterile flies shipped by 
U.S.A.                  air from Hawaii to Miami.64
Libya,valley 650 km     Eradicated in 1991;too cold to overwinter;reintroduced 
southeast of Tripoli    each year with infested fruit.65
Santa Cruz de Tenerife  In 1975-1977 sterile flies were released on Isla de El 
Province,Spain          Hierro;excellent suppression but not eradication even with 
                        1,100 sterile flies per hectare.66
Israel                  Excellent protection of citrus in 1989 & 1990. Sterile males 
                        from genetic sexing strain shipped from IAEA Seibersdorf 
Southern California     Eradicated in 1987.15
Los Angeles,            Incipient infestation eradicated in 1981-1982 with ground 
California              application of bait sprays and sterile flies.68

コメント    :

原論文1 Data source 1:
Potential usefulness of sterile fly release method in fruit fly eradication programs
Steiner,L.F. amd Christenson,L.D.
Entomology Research Branch,Agr.Res.,U.S.D.A.,Honolulu,Hawaii
Proceedings of the Hawiian Academy of Science,Thirty-first Annual Meeting.1955-1956:17(1956)

原論文2 Data source 2:
Progress of fruit-fly control by irradiation sterilization in Hawaii and the Marianas Islands
Steiner,L.F.,Michell,W.C.and Baumhover,A.H.
Entomology Research Division,Agricultural Research Service,U.S.D.A.,Honolulu,Hawaii
International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes,13:427-434(1962)

原論文3 Data source 3:
Chapter 1 Overview of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division's involvement in fruit fly sterile insect technique programs
Klassen,W.,Lindquist,D.A. and Buyckx,E.J.
Internatioal Atomic Energy Agency,Vienna,Austria
Fruit Flies and the Sterile Insect Technique,(Calkins,C.O.,Klassen,W.and Liedo,P.eds.,CRC Press,258p,1994):3-26

参考資料1 Reference 1:
Screw-worm control through release of sterilized flies
Baumhover,A.H.,Graham,A.J.,Bitter,B.A.*,Hopkins,D.E.,New,W.D.,Dudley,F.H.and Bushland,R.C.
Entomology Research Branch,Agr.Res.Serv.,U.S.D.A.,*Veteriary Service,Government of Netherlands Antilles.

sterile insect technique, Mediterranean fruit fly, eradication
